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Monday, May 16, 2011

tmobile sidekick 4g colors

tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Samsung Sidekick 4G
  • T-Mobile Samsung Sidekick 4G

  • dgree03
    Mar 29, 09:32 AM
    From what I understand dropbox for starters...

    Dropbox sells music and movies?

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g colors.
  • tmobile sidekick 4g colors.

  • SPUY767
    Apr 26, 03:19 PM
    I thought Android was a terrible OS, but I am still extremely impressed that iOS is where it is. Considering a lot of manufactures are using Android now, this is still pretty impressive iOS is able to be the second from the top on three devices iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, although the report does state mobile phone usage so it might just include the iPhone and not the other two i mentioned

    You do realize that this graph only shows the heavily subsidized phone market where an android phone can be had for free with a 2 year contract. When all iOS devices are considered, android is nowhere close.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G hands-on
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G hands-on

  • Dagless
    Apr 10, 11:19 AM
    Brackets; 12.
    48/2; 24.

    Lots of votes for 2! Am I wrong?

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G by
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G by

  • macman4291
    Jul 24, 12:39 AM
    No. Processors Are Soldered In MacBooks and MacBook Pros So No Upgrades Are Possible.

    The way you do the upgrade is by selling your current model and buying the next one. It's called rolling over your Mac for the next one. Some of us here have done it numerous times. It's not hard to get a good price for your used Mac. By doing this at the beginning of every update, it only cost you a few hundred dollars to move up each time.

    Would it be worth it rolling over my 17 in macbook pro, w/ a 2.16 core duo to a macbook pro w/ merom chip and other new attributes. Would there be a significant difference in speed , ect. that would make it worth it. , and if so, what would i do about my registered applecare protection plan?

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick Is Reborn
  • T-Mobile Sidekick Is Reborn

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:34 PM
    I can still drop one in, can't I?

    yep, that's the rumor :)

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. New Sidekick 4G smartphone
  • New Sidekick 4G smartphone

  • chasemac
    Jul 30, 01:20 AM
    Please dont call it an "iPhone" that is so... no. if it was called iPhone I dont think that I would buy it. if it was MacPhone Pro or something like that than maybe... ;). No but please dont name it either of those. Come up with something new and original.

    How bout PowerPhone.mac!:)

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G: Speedy
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G: Speedy

  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 04:35 PM
    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
  • the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G

  • Tilpots
    Apr 9, 08:09 PM
    It's 2. Deal 288 people.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G

  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 01:59 PM
    Apple is partnering with an air-time provider so they will not get to keep much of the per-month fee, they will have to make money up front with hardware sales unless they can offer some non airtime monthly service like .mac

    No. I don't see apple "partnering" with anyone. This will be an Apple phone... the carriers will line up to sell the next hot thing. If Apple "partners" with Cingular.. the phone loses part of its apple identity... I don't see it happening. Plus it invites someone else to the table.. I don't understand why Apple would do this.

    Ah gotcha, with the max/min talk. NM.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. sidekick 4g colors. android
  • sidekick 4g colors. android

  • fivetoadsloth
    Apr 10, 02:38 AM
    Oh really? Wow I didn't know that... Sarcasm.

    I'm talking about on a calculator. Enter it EXACTLY how it was in the OP and you'll get 288.

    Again, I'd like to warn people: this is not always true. Even if you enter it exactly as above, your calculator will not always give you 288. Some will give you two. Some settings may give you two. Don't trust a calculator blindly.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g colors.
  • tmobile sidekick 4g colors.

  • deputy_doofy
    Jul 21, 03:36 PM
    Maybe I'm out in right field with this suggestion, but how about a further separation between the black Macbook and the white, other than color?

    Macbooks (white) - Yonah and integrated graphics (960?)
    Macbook (black) - Merom and the new integrated graphics (965???)

    That would certainly justify the black's higher cost and would give it more of a punch to be that PB 12" replacement.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick sports a
  • T-Mobile Sidekick sports a

  • MonkeySee....
    Nov 11, 09:31 AM
    As a business point of view, a company will need to have some sort of AV installed as part of company policies weather its needed or not.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g magenta.
  • tmobile sidekick 4g magenta.

  • SBlue1
    Mar 29, 07:12 PM
    thanks but i dont need this. :rolleyes:

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Launch
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Launch

  • NewSc2
    Jul 29, 08:36 PM
    my t-mobile contract expires in september..

    maybe along with the mac pros, new macbook pros, intel core 2 duo, movies on iTunes, WWDC will bring about the iPhone and no-touch full screen video iPod..

    *yeah right*

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g release
  • tmobile sidekick 4g release

  • Multimedia
    Aug 4, 08:23 PM
    although the Merom is average faster than Yohan 10%~20%:cool:By Thanksgiving. :)

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g release
  • tmobile sidekick 4g release

  • ticman
    Nov 7, 12:00 PM
    I assume u have the unit. I am most interested in where u mounted

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g 2011.
  • tmobile sidekick 4g 2011.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 15, 08:28 PM
    This is excellent evidence Apple is not shipping any more Yonah MacBook Pros. Good catch Taylor. That's perfect. What you are going to get will be a 2.33GHz C2D for sure. You might want to upgrade to the Seagate 160BG HD though. :p

    I checked the store after I saw this. 17'' BTO ship in 5-7 business days, so that is the 25-27th. 15'' ship in 1-3. All stock models ship in 24 hours.

    For as long as I can remember, it has never taken that long for BTO, even durning the back to school rush.

    Very nice evidence, thanks for the post.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. tmobile sidekick 4g pink.
  • tmobile sidekick 4g pink.

  • tny
    Nov 26, 11:54 AM
    i don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an Apple tablet. I mean, the PC/Win versions aren't great sellers...

    I don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an Apple MP3 player. I mean, the existing ones aren't great sellers.

    See the problem here? The reason the iPod took off was because it wasn't like the existing MP3 players.

    Take a look at a group of current products:

    1. The UMPC. Seems like a good idea, but not successful so far. Why not? Here's Gartner:

    But while the UMPC concept has promise, today�s hardware cannot deliver on it. In Gartner's view, success will require:

    * Technology advances that are at least two years away (including an eight-hour battery and a sub-$400 price)
    * Low-cost, compelling content bundles (Intel and Microsoft are working on partnerships in this area)
    * A better Microsoft shell/interface running on top of Vista
    * Text entry options beyond �thumb-typing�
    * "Dock and go" synchronization, requiring minimal user interaction
    * Sustained market momentum from Microsoft and Intel
    Today, we believe it isn't possible to produce compelling UMPC products � just "proofs of concept." The low battery life, high price and non-Vista operating system will likely hurt the UMPC's market acceptance in this first go-round, and the negative backlash could damage its future chances.

    An Apple tablet would beat content bundles problem, the shell/interface problem, and the synchronization problem. Inkwell and a bluetooth keyboard option would help; and built-in WiFi will certainly help. If Apple can do something about the battery problem . . . I also think the form factor needs work.

    2. The PDA. Right now the PDA market is growing, not shrinking - mostly thanks to the Blackberry and the PocketPC and at the expense of Palm. The magic combination seems to be email + cell wireless: if you can get your email anywhere you can use your cellphone, a PDA becomes a more compelling device. This ties in closely with

    3. The cell phone. Everyone is in agreement that the cell phone is a target area for Apple; the question is who Apple's carrier will be. A GSM-based device that does EDGE could be used with many different networks.

    4. The eBook reader, like the Sony Reader. The good side of the Sony Reader is low battery consumption and a very readable screen. The bad side is that it has to have a pretty low-consumption, low-use processor, no color, and the screen update speed is abysmal. The underlying tech of eInk isn't going to help with an Apple tablet, but the form factor might be a very good choice for a UMPC/Blackberry killer.

    5. The tablet computer. The reason the tablet computer has been a failure is because the writing interface isn't very good yet, and because the damned things are the same size and weight as a notebook, so there's little point in dumping the notebook for a tablet. A smaller form factor with the same power, but one that it a little more usable and compelling than the UMPC might be very successful.

    6. Video device, like the iPod with video or its competitors. A lot of folks complain that it's too small a screen, and the battery power isn't so hot. If you could have a larger screen that is not much heavier, and just a little more battery power . . .

    7. Web pad / web appliance (Nokia 770, Audrey, Pepper Pad, etc.) The problems with these so far have been form factor and OS quality. Most web appliances have run either PocketPC/Windows CE or customized Linux distributions. The Linux distributions that have been used haven't had a good enough UI for a general computing, general audience environment - the needs of a web appliance are too complex to be handled the same way embedded interfaces (like TiVo's) have been handled. Windows CE isn't designed for a general computing environment, either, and makes too many compromises. I also think the Nokia 770 is too small, the PepperPad is overwhelmed by its case, and the Audrey isn't flexible enough.

    A successor to the Newton that was a true OS X device, in a form factor similar to the Sony Reader, with .Mac synchronization, Airport Extreme and Bluetooth, a FireWire 400 and two USB 2 connectors, a mini-HMDI socket (with HDMI and DVI converters), a dock connector, an iSight, and an optical-capable audio plug, with some of the on-screen navigation tech we've seen in Apple patents, would be fantastic.

    But I'd be surprised if the tech is there yet: the processors aren't small enough and cool enough, the flash memory (you'd want flash and not a hard disk drive) doesn't have enough capacity yet, and the batteries don't have a long enough life. I'll bet there is a prototype device like this in the Apple labs, but it might have mediocre stats: say

    700 MHz processor equivalent
    16 GB storage
    256 MB ram
    3 hours of battery life (1.5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $999.

    I think a successful device would need

    1.2 GHz processor equivalent
    80 GB storage
    1 GB RAM
    8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $699.

    tmobile sidekick 4g colors. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G

  • miles01110
    Apr 25, 08:51 AM
    Yes. I'm sure that consolidated.db just appeared randomly and it's all a huge media conspiracy.

    Sep 16, 12:11 AM
    To be fair, I think you are thinking of MacOSRumors (MOSR), not MacOSXRumors. The former have a terrible record in regards to rumours (ie they make up everything), while the latter seem to be a bit more reliable. Shame they are named so similarly though.

    You're right.

    Thanks for the correction.

    Mar 27, 10:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well my source tells me that whenever the next generation iPhone comes out ATT will have exclusive rights to it for a few months before verizon. How/why I have no idea, I'm just relaying info.

    Nov 3, 05:23 AM
    We (the Mac community) should not let the security industry get a toe hold in OSX.

    Fascinating. Organized anarchy.

    TwinCities Dan
    Mar 27, 02:46 PM
    Personally, I think it is a good thing for Apple to disrupt this "schedule" that we have all come to think of as a yearly update. There are no rules here, I would rather let Apple do what they think is best as far as a release schedule. If it isn't ready yet, I don't see what the point of rushing to market is.

    May 7, 03:39 PM
    Because they aren't making any money off it now and making it free with iAds built in could bring in more profit for them?

    It's the same reason Google can afford gmail with 8GB of storage for tens of millions of accounts.

    Apple could make a bit of a profit integrating iWork/MobileMe/Lala along with iAds.

    Negative. It's not the iAds that make the prospect for MobileMe Free more plausible but rather the iPad.

    iAd has nothing to do with it. iAds are premium priced (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703648304575212411500983040.html) Googles strategy is fairly cheap ads everywhere making them ubiquitious. Apple's iAd strategy is to add "emotion". Checking your calendar or email adding a contact is not a place where people want "emotive" ads.

    What those of us who have a Mac/PC, iPhone and now iPad are finding is that sync across these devices is not good and makes buying software a pain. This is why it makes sense to "freemium" MobileMe. Give the sync away and other basic stuff that makes people want to use their Apple gear and when they want to graduate make the paid step up significant.

    Haven't we learned yet that Apple doesn't follow the same path as other companies?