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Thursday, May 26, 2011

iphone 4 water drop wallpaper

iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Black Drops for iPhone4
  • Black Drops for iPhone4

  • outlawarth
    Apr 28, 09:11 AM
    Arrested. Not just terminated or fired. ARRESTED. Anyone hoping to catch a leak of next iPhone can keep on dreaming. This only proves that all the speculation from "trusted sources" is a bunch of c**p. Apple has gotten even more secretive and they're serious about it.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. water drop background.
  • water drop background.

  • Groovey
    Sep 5, 02:50 PM
    I really don't believe it would be coming. Hardly... Possible, yes, but hardly.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water drops on red surface
  • Water drops on red surface

  • oMc
    Mar 6, 10:41 PM
    Nothing special for me.

    http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/771/snapshot060311.th.png (http://img823.imageshack.us/i/snapshot060311.png/)

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. iPhone wallpaper
  • iPhone wallpaper

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 19, 01:37 PM
    ** Drool. ** :D

    For some reason the graphics are locked at 300 fps when you turn vsync off. Mine just stays at 300 all the time on max settings.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. iPhone Wallpaper that can be
  • iPhone Wallpaper that can be

  • leman
    Apr 17, 06:11 AM
    If the school confiscates your laptop, you go to the police and file charges. And the school is in big trouble. Technically what they did was stealing. They have absolutely no right confiscating anything. What they can do is prevent your access to the building if your are carrying something which they deem "against the rules". But taking away a $1000+ notebook? That's a serious offense and I wouldn't let it go so easily. File a complain with the school administration, if they don't react, go to the police. I am serious. There are some things which you just can't let slide.

    On the other note, why the hell they even have a campus network if students are not allowed to access it? And how incompetent is the IT department if they are not able to set up a secure network?

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. **UNIQUE LWP IPHONE 4

  • BigPrince
    Jan 14, 11:57 AM
    We could always go with the bow tie thing. :p

    It would of worked too. No one else there had bow ties.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper
  • Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper

  • kdarling
    Apr 28, 04:40 PM
    The last thing I want is the need to constantly connect to the internet and download the maps every time when I want to get some navigation. The Google maps solution is not ideal if they still don't allow caching maps or local navigation database.

    The latest Google maps (and Google navigation) that is used on Android both have caches. Maps has a setting for it.

    Google Navigation caches the route and continues even in airplane mode, including at least some rerouting if you miss a turn. Someone made an example video here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzQo7-DH2CU&feature=player_embedded#at=247).

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. iphone 4 portrait
  • iphone 4 portrait

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 28, 09:32 AM
    If you don't like the rules of your job, then quit. Otherwise suffer the consequences.

    You must be like me in the States but unlike me have not travel. I wonder if you will be singing the same tune as jobs dry up here and you can't get anything but the hamburger joint.

    Like to be that fly on the wall when people finally get it, ROFL. Glad I don't have to worry about it. :D

    But don't get me wrong I am all for punishing poor people they do deserve what they get. (sarcasm just in case)

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper
  • Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper

  • mashinhead
    Nov 2, 04:14 PM
    i always thought they'd be the guys who released an unlocked, unbranded, un-network affliated phone. I think that would be the smartest way to go. Drop in a SIM and go.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. wallpapers water drops.
  • wallpapers water drops.

  • xi mezmerize ix
    Jan 13, 11:28 AM
    I usually have something Ferrari related but decided to switch it up.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water Drop
  • Water Drop

  • BaldiMac
    Apr 4, 09:56 AM
    You are totally misinformed or you are a blind iFanboy. As per a story on Appleinsider today, Android web share is actually higher than that of iPhone.

    Maybe you should read the article a little closer before you make accusations. All Android devices combined exceed the iPhone. Which the article points out is not an apples to apples comparison. There was no breakdown by Android smartphones to make a legitimate comparison to the iPhone.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. rain drop on your iPhone 4
  • rain drop on your iPhone 4

  • St8kout
    Jun 9, 04:39 PM
    I will definitely pre-order on June 15. No way am I going to camp out for a store opening to get one. I got enough of that from camping out for concert tickets back in the day. We would be about 30th in line, and when you got to the ticket window the only seats available were in the nose-bleed section off to the side as all the good seats were pre-sold to people with connections.

    I do have to wonder why so few for each store. I seem to remember reading something about Apple ordering 23 million of them. But then again, there's the free media coverage of people standing in line outside the stores to get one, just like with the ipad.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water drops on glass HD iPhone
  • Water drops on glass HD iPhone

  • TheUndertow
    Apr 11, 10:00 AM
    Probably the most gorgeous laptop I've ever seen.

    I'm still having a "2011 MBP Hangover" from that mock pic and rumor run-up to the release...

    ....and still haven't bought one yet.

    I sure a $@&$ would have if they were Liquid Metal or CF (and included the rumored SSD OS).

    REALLY hoping they go with a new case for 2012 (or later 2011) refresh....provided i don't buy one before then.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. 4) Next time you sync your
  • 4) Next time you sync your

  • MrMoore
    Apr 6, 04:45 PM
    when can i/we get rid of microsoft office on/off our macs?

    i cannot understand that apple is unable to tweak iWork to replace the microsoft ****


    :mad: x100

    Apple can "tweak" iWork all they want, some people still want 100% compatibility for Office documents and the best way to achieve it is through Office for Mac. For good or bad that program is a standard across many corporations. Majority of people use Windows. Ain't no iWork for Windows.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. rain drop on your iPhone 4
  • rain drop on your iPhone 4

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 11, 07:56 AM
    This will sell better than Tom Clancy's

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Most unique live wallpaper out
  • Most unique live wallpaper out

  • miles01110
    Aug 3, 12:40 PM
    The MacBook Pro looks to be smaller (judging by the size of the speaker grill). Maybe they are releasing it in a smaller size

    That would be awesome- a 13 or 14 inch MBP.

    The speaker grilles are virtually gone...makes me wonder if they new ones will run even hotter, as on the previous models you can feel thermal currents coming out of the grilles....

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Home gt; iPhone 4 Wallpapers
  • Home gt; iPhone 4 Wallpapers

  • rmhop81
    Apr 12, 11:14 AM
    Only question. Why?

    Some say Apple need to buy Netflix. Have those of you even considered what Netflix charges for monthly streaming?


    Apple will never let customers eat that much for so little. The day Apple buys Netflix, DVDs would stop, and streaming would go up to $30 a month.


    and look at the crappy content that they have for streaming. everything is super old. hopefully if apple does this, they would have new content and people wouldn't mind paying more bc the content is better.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Earth - Water Drop Iphone
  • Earth - Water Drop Iphone

  • nbw
    Apr 22, 12:10 PM
    I'm not a thrifty person by nature, so it says plenty that I refuse to pay the prices they're asking for these mags on the iPad. It really is that simple. Make them $1.99 and sales will go through the roof.

    Yea, the value for the price is not there. You can get the paper version of Wired for $10/yr via Amazon. Why would you pay the crazy prices for the digital version, if anything it should be even cheaper.

    It's not Conde Nast being smarter its Conde Nast not knowing how to execute a digital strategy that works.

    iphone 4 water drop wallpaper. Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper
  • Water Drop iPhone Wallpaper

  • Analog Kid
    Oct 13, 04:08 AM
    erg not really. you do only have 2 holes in your head as you say, but your hearing is more advanced than that. your brain always factors in all the other elements, like your head position, so your brain notices and calculates the volumes of incoming sounds, so you can distinguish where things are in relation to you. obviously, your brain can't do that with headphones.
    No reproduction system is perfect in all environments. When your brain translates a sound, it positions it relative to your head-- a sound in front of you will sound like it's coming from the right if your head is turned left. This is why you tend to look at something before you can react to it. If you have more time to react, your brain will probably work it out correctly.

    As you say, headphones alone can't track head movement so the environment will appear to rotate with your head. If you're trying to simulate a fixed environment, or coordinate with an immersive display, then you'll need to deal with this somehow. They have the advantage, however, of being able to collapse the combined impact of a sound field into two point sources directly at the sensors (your ear canals).

    Headphones have the additional complication that we position sound vertically by the filter effect of the fleshy parts of our ears-- which are different for every individual. Most systems use a generalized filter to approximate an average ear, whatever that means.

    Open air speakers are trying to reproduce a sound field from a small number of point sources and can only produce the desired effect on one location in space, and the listener has to remain there. They also suffer from channel cross talk and reflections from walls and objects in the reproduction sound space that aren't intended to be in the simulated sound space. The Dolby home theater type systems are essentially two dimensional in the plain of the ceiling and floor, which causes problems if you're trying to get 3D sound, or sound indicating the vertical alignment of a computer display.

    For positioning screen effects, headphones will probably win since they don't have to compensate for the environment and the user is almost certainly looking at the display fixed in front of them. Since the simulation environment is essentially two dimensional (the display), you might also get away with fixed speakers positioned around the display and ignore the cross talk and reflections. In either case, you'd also have to assume a distance from the display to the user and assume the user is centered.

    Nothing simple is going to work in all cases...

    Oct 17, 05:26 AM
    is there somewhere in vegas a bet going who's first? vista or leopard? and who has more bugs at release day?

    I think the greater impact would occur if Apple released its product just after Vista amid the confusion of people wondering which version of the MS OS to buy. People procrastinating could then finally realize that the much simpler option is to buy a Mac and not be confronted with not only the question of which make and model to stretch their hard earned money on, but also which version of the Vista OS they want with that, and whether it will actually run satisfactorily on the computer they are buying.

    I know that I for one would not be want to be faced with yet another PC owner's dilemma. Thank goodness I run a Mac.:D

    Jan 4, 05:15 PM
    Very cool...I've Doodled. I'm saying Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are okay for me, as the Exhibit Hall isn't open on Monday and it shuts down at 3:00 on Friday (and Friday isn't great for me anyway).

    Apr 11, 08:12 AM
    Now that The Social Network has cemented the idea that biopics don't require the main subject to be deceased, maybe we'll get a Steve Jobs/Apple movie that also covers the post-Pirates-Of-Silicon-Valley era. With an actual budget and acclaimed writers, director and cast! I'm being half tongue-in-cheek, but the geek in me would drool over this. Although, being an optimist, I think there is a lot more fodder to come with Apple and Jobs! Why not interview him in depth now and until his, hopefully a long time from now, passing, and then have the whole story. I guess because he and Apple are peaking.

    I would LOVE to see a movie on how he was fired and then he came back, and how the iPod revolutionalized everything...to see all the inner workings of all those deals....behind closed fdoors.

    Jan 18, 05:35 AM
    Hasn't there been talk of an Apple Event on the 30th? (Or have I been mis-reading?)

    I haven't seen anything, but I could have missed it. January 30th is a Tuesday, so it is possible an event could be held that day.

    Machead III
    Sep 5, 03:21 PM
    Britain is the second largest mobile phone market on Earth. The US is what, the 5th? They'd better cater of Japan, Korea and Britain or it's game over.