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Monday, May 16, 2011

coloring pages for kids easter printables

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  • myotis
    Nov 2, 01:49 PM
    This seems to good to be true.

    With Windows, Sophos actively discourages home users by pricing their product out of the market for single licenses �100 plus. Multiple (corporate) licenses rapidly become much cheaper, and the licenses include home use for employees.

    Even though it has the reputation of being the best AV available, the price meant that once I was no longer eligible for a free license, I had to leave Sophos behind, so this is really good news that a free version is available for the Mac.

    I still find it rather strange, unless it shows a change in policy. Or they are testing it out on the home market before focussing on the corporate market.


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  • macnerd93
    Apr 21, 03:15 PM
    you have to admit the design of the Mac Pro isn't looking at all dated, I think thats quite impressive to say its based on an 8 year old tower design, which is still in existence in 2011. I dont think I could say the same for any PC vendor :P. Although to me most of Apple's stuff still looks in date years after launch, look at the Ti-Book & iMac G4 launched in 2001 & 2002 and still look ultra modern today, heck in 2004 I remember a lot of current PC's still being beige

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  • jaykk
    May 8, 12:15 AM
    if apple is serious about iAd, they will make mobileme free. More hits, more ad revenue.Mobileme is not attractive at all at this point, if they make it free, may be some additional users sign up.

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  • gtgrad95
    Apr 25, 09:30 AM
    This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.

    That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.

    You are exactly correct. It's the non-techies are are like 'Oh my God' that are freaking about about this, thinking that people now have access to everywhere they go. The techies know that this 'issue' is way blown out of proportion and the only person that would even have access to this information would be you and only you. Not only that, the file is just a bunch of coordinates. It would take a tech savvy person to be able to see it on a map anyway.

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  • deconstruct60
    Apr 21, 10:01 PM
    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers.

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 15, 04:18 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    MacShrine believes that Apple will update the MacBook Pro (http://www.macshrine.com/2006/09/15/merom-macbook-pro-at-photokina/) to use Core 2 Duo "Merom" processors at Photokina (in addition to the anticipated Aperture 1.2 update (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060822235447.shtml)). According to the site, Apple will employ the 2.33 and 2.16 GHz variants of the chip, however there is no mention of any other updates (enclosure, etc). The MacBook Pro was last updated (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/04/20060424085129.shtml) in April 2006 with the introduction of the 17" model.

    At this time, MacBook updates are not expected despite consistent worldwide shortages, which was anticipated in Apple's most recent financial conference call.

    Apple will be hosting a special event on September 25th (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060914090209.shtml) (just before the beginning of photokina, which begins on the 26th).

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  • DavidLeblond
    Mar 28, 09:40 AM
    I'd rather they focus on software at a dev event anyway.

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  • maelstromr
    Apr 5, 04:03 PM
    You also point out another Myth created by apple, the "Quality of product" myth. They have to control the product to provide quality. So far I can name 10's to 100's of times Apple has failed to provide such good tight control on the quality of their products, from:

    Updates to IOS that crash or disable basic functioning of the device to
    Apps in apple's own App store that either violate peoples information and bank accounts to apps that simply do not work and people paid money for them. The Iphone antenna, yes these are just the examples I can quickly post.

    I can prove apple is delinquent in its stewardship of "Quality" Apple has a great ability to be teflon company with Steve Jobs getting on stage and exclaiming the problem is never Apple its always something else. Steve should of ran for president............:rolleyes:

    Is this a serious argument that Apple does not provide better quality products than everyone else out there or a rant about three (extremely vague and un-substantiated except for antenna) issues demonstrating that at SOME time in the past SOME of Apple's products have been less than perfect? :rolleyes:

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  • Kalach
    May 6, 02:16 AM
    I don't like the sound of this at all! :(

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  • Bonte
    Aug 7, 05:39 PM
    Are these specific Mac GPU's with Mac roms or can we finally use a selection of PC GPU's? If so then the base GPU isn't an issue, just use it for the second screen.
    what will happen if I use bootcamp and put in a PC grafic card?

    Interesting, if we get Windows to work with PC GPU cards then Apple has no other option than to support these cards also or at least try to. If these are normal PC cards then the MacPro wil be the coolest machine on earth in the hard core gaming community. :cool:

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  • charlituna
    Apr 7, 01:02 PM
    Ha ha! Way to go Apple!!!! Kill the competition any way you can!!

    Doubtful that that is what they are up to. They bought what they needed and then this stupid little earthquake happened and the companies are trying to get back into business. And THAT is likely what is screwing with RIMs supply. Not anything Apple has done

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  • addicted44
    Apr 23, 06:06 PM
    And today they are the Gold Standard for consumer tech.

    OS X runs very well on Apple hardware. OS X apps run very well on Apple hardware. Not sure what the problem with performance is.

    Those "laptops on a stand" are selling in record numbers while the rest of the computer industry is in a sharp downturn.

    They've got the future of gaming all locked up nice and tight on iOS, not on PCs as we know them but on mobile devices which keep getting more powerful and which as we know, are the future of computing.

    Your anecdotal opinion is cool and all, but perspective please!

    Apple has been completely and unequivocally unaffected by conceding the gaming market to someone else. Instead, they've revisited it and have created a new standard. if that's what "losing" means then I'm damned impressed.

    Apple has products that meet pretty much every market. Professionals buy Mac Pros, which are top notch (although the design is getting a little dated) and non-pros buy iMacs, which suffice for everything they need to do.

    The only market they aren't meeting are the high-end gaming market. And considering how few games supported macs, and how the vast majority of games were actually played on dedicated consoles, this wasn't a bad decision at all.

    Re: Resolution Independence, that idea is essentially dead. Its a great idea in theory, but nearly unworkable in practice. No developer wants to go back and redesign all their graphics in vector art (nvm that vector art doesn't even work for all designs, and that most designers prefer pixel drawings). And since there is a clear upper bound after which any improvements in resolution are largely worthless, as long as people develop their artwork at that resolution, every range of useful resolution is covered. At much lesser effort, and expense. The only tradeoff is Hard disk space, and I think we can all agree that HD space is one of the cheapest resources we have.

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  • AndrewR23
    Apr 10, 02:40 PM
    Hmm I get 288 learning the way I was taught while in school.

    Although my math professor at UC IRVINE said Pemdas is wrong.

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  • JAT
    Mar 29, 05:24 PM
    How dare people think of themselves in any way when something bad has occurred in the world. People in Darfur have been dying for quite some time now and I haven't thought of myself or my interests once since conflicts began. That's what a good person does.

    Do you see how ridiculous you're being? There is no reason a person can't be concerned with supply shortages AND the Japanese people. They aren't mutually exclusive. Moreover, if you follow your flawed logic then no one could ever do anything for themselves. Horrific events happen everyday worldwide; tragedies can't stop us from living.

    No, I agree. Personally, I've stopped eating until Japan is 100% safe!! :D

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  • chaosbringer
    Apr 22, 07:31 AM
    Some designs changes i'd like to see (all the rest i'm fine with):

    - Dust filters
    - Thunderbolt ports, front and back (instead of one of the firewire ports)
    - Usb 3.0 replacing usb 2.0 ports
    - PSU on bottom to keep it cool
    - HD's on bottom to keep them cool too
    - At least one dedicated SSD bay

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  • pika2000
    May 7, 02:16 PM
    They should've done this from the get go, use a freemium model. Give free account with limited storage & limited functionality, let's say 1GB but no syncing bookmarks/calendar/address between Macs and/or no "find my iPhone," then sell a premium account with something like 50GB storage with everything enabled. The only challenge is some would probably just make 20 free accounts.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 5, 11:28 PM
    It sort of makes you think what it would be like if Apple took a hand at other industries. This theme is absolutely fugly. Toyota basically turned the iphone into a zone.

    What if the tables were turned? If Toyota can make the iphone so unappealing, then how much better would the design of a Toyota be if Apple redesigned it?

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  • cav23j
    Mar 26, 11:27 PM
    So the sources are Gruber who stated it was a guess and TechCrunch who are, well, TechCrunch.

    sounds like someone just bought an iPad 2

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  • arcite
    Apr 7, 10:40 AM
    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    You should really direct your anger at the giant Chinese state owned and supported mega-corporations that readily copy and steal intellectual data, employ slave labor, and otherwise follow no rules other than the wills of their government.

    Nov 20, 09:07 AM
    LOL ok ok so it's WCLYFEE sorry

    Yeah, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I have an order in too. Hopefully, someone will post a lower cost alternative than the Apple Store. One thing I did notice about the Magellan Car Kit is you can put the iPhone in it with a case. Might be worth waiting?

    Dec 13, 10:08 PM
    Almost bought the kit, but when I went to the Apple store and actually saw it in person I couldn't justify paying $120+tax for a piece of plastic. Yeah, yeah yeah, it has bluetooth, charges the phone, and has a gps chip. Its ridiculous to have to pay $100 for an app and $120 for a piece of plastic.

    Mar 30, 09:15 PM
    Don't get me wrong.. I'm excited for Lion. But I don't want a ton of iOS in my Mac OS.

    I don't care what you want. Apple decides that.

    Sep 11, 05:59 AM
    It would be one of them movie/media thingies, so my pessimistic newb bones inform me.

    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    I could see this happening. It would make sense to me to try and consolidate their iOS devices to one release cycle. iPod and iPhones are fairly close as it is, mid-summer and early fall. Would it be a big shock to move the new kid iPad and it's older siblings into one release? No.