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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

donald trump for president pictures

donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • spiderman0616
    Apr 28, 03:49 PM
    Microsoft lets too many things die on the vine. Everything has to be run up the flagpole to get the green light, and that whole process takes so long that nothing truly innovative ever happens.

    Windows 7 is awesome, Office 2010 is awesome, and I sure do love my Xbox 360, but right now, mobile gadgets sell. Zune was a bust, Courier looked amazing but was cancelled for some reason (I REALLY wanted a Courier), and Windows Phone 7.....jury's out. I would buy a Windows 7 phone before I'd buy an Android phone, but who knows what kind of lasting support it's going to have. Maybe when Nokia is making these in full force I'll take another look.

    I've been saying it for the last year, and I'll say it again--Microsoft is in a death spiral. The days of people camping out in line for the next version of Windows are over.

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 25, 01:53 PM
    Whatever you guys are imagining, it won't be half as good. Guaranteed.

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • Chundles
    Aug 31, 09:56 PM
    Whats the issue with regards to TV shows only available to the USA. Why can't they be made available in the UK and Europe.

    Different regions, different distributors and laws.

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald+trump+for+president
  • Donald+trump+for+president

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 19, 08:59 PM
    A strong response from Samsung:

    "We're guilty!"

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump president.
  • donald trump president.

  • W1MRK
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    The beautiful thing is that this is great advertisement for the app. I bet more people have downloaded this than ever before. I didn't know about this app until today, so thanks for that senator dumbfukz...

    Its how I found about it. Thank you Elected Dweebs

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump Questions
  • Donald Trump Questions

  • cxny
    Sep 13, 08:57 PM
    Odd that Jobs forgot to announce it yesterday......

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump for President in
  • Donald Trump for President in

  • srxtr
    Mar 23, 05:44 PM
    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.

    Is that really true? A drunk driver killed your son?

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump For President
  • Donald Trump For President

  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 08:24 PM
    Apple is doing extremely we'll in a lot of markets. Microsoft does well in the corporate market but they are not flashy or innovative in terms of their core market. Microsoft does well because corporations have settled on Windows / Office combination. Since it does well for their purposes, it is enough to sustain them.

    Congratulations to Apple for doing so well but do not feel bad for Microsoft.

    1)Most of what you wrote is true...but there is so much more to Microsoft being successful on just Windows and/or Office as well as MS and Apple have completely different business models. MS has been extremely successful with SQL Server for decades. Windows is more than just Windows in the business world. Apple is and has been non existent in the business world since Apple's birth. MS has numerous small business packages. Apple has none. MS has a huge Services team. Apple has none. MS has ventured into hardware accessories for decades (mice, keyboards, etc) and probably still makes a hefty profit there. MS has also dabbled into consumer electronics hardware with Xbox (wildly successful) and Zune (terribly bad). Again, these aren't cuts on Apple nor am I rooting for MS...but there simply is no comparison.

    2)MS has been innovative for a very long time. Last few years?...in my opinion? Not really.

    I'm glad Apple is doing very well and hopefully Apple will some day lower their iMac prices a few hundred bucks so I can have a prettier web surfing machine compared to my Dell. I'll never steer away from iPods. And very likely I will buy an iPhone 5 to replace my 3GS...unless Apple takes too long and/or charges too much compared to the 25+ Android models I can choose from.

    donald trump for president pictures. After all of Donald Trump#39;s
  • After all of Donald Trump#39;s

  • swingerofbirch
    Oct 12, 05:30 PM
    As much as I love rumors approximating nearer and nearer some state of acuity, actually seeing the product a day ahead is a tad disspaointing. It reminds me of the late night when Time Canada unveiled the G4 iMac. Well it'll still be fun to watch me Opie tomorrow, especially since she's promoting iPods over the Dell Ditty she did a couple years back.

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump President 2012
  • Donald Trump President 2012

  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 5, 02:22 PM
    I don't usually speculate, but I find it interesting "Showtime" is capitalized. Could the downloads be part of some partnership with the cable channel? Just wild speculation on my part.


    They already sell Showtime Shows on iTunes

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 08:40 AM
    My point as just that if intel doubles the number of cores every 6th month, I believe that lifespan of a Mac is going to be substantially shorter. I doubt that the people who just bought a new MacPro realized that their computer would be as fast as an "entry level" computer within a year. Old Macs, like my own MDD, will be deemed to live in a time-bubble with now means of interacting with newer computers.
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.

    Software will also have to keep up and unless your software becomes massively multithreaded and what you're doing can actually be multi threaded there's no real advantage to multi-core CPUs.

    This is already a problem with Quicktime in that it doesn't scale past 2 cores. You'll find half of your computer under utilised for instance when transcoding video in Quicktime.

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump For President:
  • Donald Trump For President:

  • guzhogi
    Sep 17, 06:54 PM
    I was looking through the Nibs in iTunes 7 and found this window titled "Phone Prefs". Who knows, this can just be for the iTunes Motorola phones.

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 24, 06:56 AM
    My flat mate has one of those new Fusion based Netbooks. Seems pretty good. Could see the next gen of them in an Air. Considering getting one myself when I find one not made by Acer.

    AMD E-350's CPU is noticeably worse than the C2Ds in MBAs. It is better than Atom but can't fight against Intel's premium CPUs, especially if we take Sandy Bridge into consideration. The IGP is wonderful though.

    Llano will hopefully change this since Zacate is meant for netbook and other cheap laptops. Llano will hopefully bring low-voltage chips meant for ultraportables like MBA. So far there are no news though.


    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump SLAMS President
  • Donald Trump SLAMS President

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 05:47 PM
    Well thank you Steve Balmer. Why in the hell did Gates left him in charge I never will understand.

    While Steve Jobs is great.

    See you have two kinds of Steves, one is an idiot and other one is highly intelligent. :D

    And from this post one can venture a guess as to which kind you are.

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • buffalo
    Sep 16, 07:28 AM
    I'll believe it when I see it. These phone rumors are getting old.

    donald trump for president pictures. img 244 donald trump says he
  • img 244 donald trump says he

  • jeff1977
    Mar 29, 11:24 AM
    As if, but noone knows what will happen. I mean, what were their projections back in 2004 for 2009-10? Obviously no Apple factor lol!

    donald trump for president pictures. Donald Trump for president: a
  • Donald Trump for president: a

  • Mundy
    Sep 10, 11:41 AM
    Clovertown will not be a workstation-class CPU, and I'm surprised that so many people are expecting to see it in the Mac Pro. Adopting Clovertown would be a big step backward for Apple, since Woodcrest uses dual, independent front-side busses, while Clovertown will use a single, shared FSB. Clovertown will be okay (and probably even excellent) for server applications, but most analysts aren't expecting it to be better than Woodcrest for the types of things most creative professionals do on the desktop.

    Tigerton will be a bigger performance leap over Woodcrest than Clovertown. In truth, I don't expect Intel to release anything that will make a Mac Pro look remotely obsolete until their CPU line goes to a 45 nanometer process in the last half of 2007.

    Quite simply, the way Intel is going about quad-core at this point in the game is both cautious and underwhelming. Once true quad core becomes a reality (and not simply two dual-core chips on a single peice of silicon, like Clovertown and Kentsfield), and the FSB is replaced by direct interconnects, then I'll upgrade from my Mac Pro. Otherwise, I expect the machine to remain capable and viable for the next three years or so.

    donald trump for president pictures. Access Extended: Donald Trump
  • Access Extended: Donald Trump

  • moxxey
    Mar 22, 05:25 PM
    And if you are looking for specs from unannounced products from Apple, you are going to quickly get used to being disappointed.

    Mate I've been following MacRumors for many years. I don't need a description of the website.

    You miss the point entirely. The site is all about speculation, fact or fiction, about forthcoming products. However, there's nothing in this "news" piece that's worth speculating. Nothing we can't figure ourselves.

    It's still news whether it's classed as a rumor or not. However, there's no substance of worth in this news. That was the point.

    donald trump for president pictures. donald trump for president
  • donald trump for president

  • jemmX
    Sep 10, 09:15 AM
    Predictions ...

    MBP 20" inch (1920 x 1200)
    4gb ram
    Dual HD = 250gb 7200rpm Raid 0
    Superdrive HD w/lightscribe
    iSight HD
    Audio Digital & analog in/out
    Vram 512MB GDDR 4 (PCI Xpress, HDMI + DVI + TV)
    3 - USB 2 / 2 - FW 400 / 2 - FW 800 / 1 - Sata
    Dual Ethernet


    Aug 24, 03:49 AM
    There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about just exactly what the settlement means. But I would like to remind people not to take things at face value - Apple is smarter than that.

    I suspect that it was Apple who proposed the settlement to Creative. More than that, I suspect it was Apple who dictated the actual terms. Creative had no choice but to accept, which was just as well because at first appearance, they look like the winner.

    However, I believe Apple is playing corporate jujitsu here. The settlement is a strategic move that greatly benefits Apple in the long term even as Apple is willing to suffer an apparent loss of face.


    Because the settlement gives Creative much needed ammunition (in both cash and legal standing) to go after every one of the iPod's competitors. You can be sure Creative is getting ready to send out letters to Sandisk, which has raced past them in the music player space this year. You can be sure Creative will be sending letters to iRiver.

    And most certainly, you can be certain that Creative will be sending letters to Microsoft with regards to Zune.

    Really, Apple was not playing from a weak position. There's no other way to say it, but that's a simplistic and naive interpretation. Patent battles are very, very expensive, lasting years and thousands of man-months of time. Creative not only had to fight Apple over its original patents, but simultaneously defends itself against Apple's countersuit (which were filed in a different state, just to make life more difficult for Creative's legal team).

    Without any effort at all, Apple could drag the case through the courts for 5+ years and force Creative to cough up tens of millions of dollars in legal expenses. Creative simply does not have that kind of money, after blowing through $100 million in cash to write of unsold inventory last year. The company's cash position is very weak and the company was undoubtedly sweating blood trying to determine if it would have enough cash to see things through the end - an end which was far from guaranteed. Even if Creative won its original patent suit, they would have lost the countersuit for the same reasons.

    The prospect of blowing $50 million over 5 years to pay lawyers for a net gain of nothing was weighing heavily on their minds, I'm sure.

    I think what really motivated the settlement is the sudden appearance of Zune. That basically gave Apple the ace it needed to give it a four-of-a-kind. Why? Because while Creative might have been able to tough it out before Zune, the existence of Zune would basically kill the company before the case could wind through the court system.

    I mean, we saw Creative's share of the music player market dive from 8% to just 4% in about a year. Sandisk, which was a virtually unknown brand in the music player space, went from nothing to 8% in a short time.

    Even if Zune is far from being an "iPod killer", with Microsoft's marketing machine backing it up, I think any reasonable person could see that it is quite likely that Creative's marketshare would be dropping to nothing a year from now.

    So Apple basically gave Creative an offer it couldn't refuse.

    Settle with us now and forget this silly patent threat of yours. We'll give you $100 million to license your patents, if only because you got them first. And now that we're all family, why don't you go after some of our competitors. You'll probably be able to get just as much, if not more, which is a lot better than what you were getting trying to fight us with that Zen thing.

    And if you want to let your pride get in the way, I don't think we need to remind you that Zune is just a few months away from demolishing what little is left of your company. A year from now, it will be iPod, Sandisk, Zune....everyone will have forgotten about Creative because frankly, you don't have any loyal customers like we do.

    In fact, we'll be nice and help you gain some loyal customers, too. By making great iPod accessories, you'll be truly a welcome part of the family and more importantly, you'll have products that people actually buy. How about that!

    Just remember, the $100 million is a kind of loan, of sorts. When you talk to that Microsoft fella, remember to share some of the payments you extract with us. We're all family, right?

    Given that the writing was on the wall, I figure Creative realized that if you can't beat 'em, it was far, far better to join Apple.

    Sep 5, 08:46 PM
    Darn it, 6 more days to go.
    ahhh...at least you have something to look forward too.

    It's all about the little things in life;)

    Apr 25, 09:54 AM
    Your mother approved of you slamming on the brakes and causing a car that potentially had a baby on board to swerve at a high speed? All because the car was blocking you from arriving at your destination a few minutes faster?

    Are you ****ing kidding me?

    I don't like people who drive slow in the passing lane either, but I would NEVER put people's lives in danger just to save a few minutes on my drive. Think about that.

    You probably thought you'd post your story and get a few laughs. Well, after reading your OP and subsequent posts, look who turned out to be the joke (it's you, BTW).

    Oh, and change your ****ing avatar.

    Oct 12, 10:01 PM
    I really can't believe some of the posts that have been made here.

    To suggest that the people of Africa deserve to be wiped out by aids as they haven't evolved or kept up with the rest of the world is beyond contempt. I want to say something else but I'm just totally lost for words by your comments.

    I notice no one has commented on the Pope and the Catholic Church forbidding the use of condoms and the effect that has on spreading infection even further.

    Forget about the donation that will be made for every sale. Far more important is the number of people that will be educated on life in third world countries as a result of the promotion. We could do with a lot more companies running similar initiatives.

    Its a bit sad that people are more interested in a new nano, or a core duo 2 macbook than they are in all the people that die every second of every day. Deaths that the western world could do something about but chooses not to. I for one am ashamed that we do so little to help so many people that suffer so much.

    Sep 13, 12:18 AM
    Does anyone else think something more might be coming? With the price drop of both models and the lack of drastic changes ie the rumored full screen, bluetooth, and virtual click wheel?
    Could there be a "one more thing..." next week?