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Friday, May 20, 2011

clip art book stack

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  • bendejo
    Sep 19, 02:52 PM
    What I'm really curious about is if there was a huge bump in TV show sales volume with the 4 times increase in resolution.

    I know I bought a show I wouldn't have otherwise and plan on buying a couple more.

    The only downside to the bumped up resolution is the increased download time. Last year, I was able to download Battlestar Galactica eps in about 20 minutes... the other night I downloaded a higher res episode and it took nearly an hour... granted, my DSL isn't the best in the land and the quality was noticably better, although the previous resolution was still fine (I have my iMac hooked via DVI to a 46" Samsung DLP HDTV... front row lets me select and play the shows from my couch) but the extra time caused my wife to say "well, lets just download it overnight and watch it tomorrow"... not a huge deal or anything, but a slight step backwards from the convenience angle. It's too bad you can't choose the resolution you want to download at.

    clip art book stack. Subjects
  • Subjects

  • Analog Kid
    Apr 14, 01:18 PM
    Oh well, there goes all my enthusiasm... Thunderbolt is dead.

    USB 3 is slower, uglier, more gummed up with kruft but the masses are comfortable with it so everything will use it. Thunderbolt will go the way of FireWire.


    clip art book stack. Man climbing stack of ooks
  • Man climbing stack of ooks

  • steve_hill4
    Sep 8, 01:49 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Apple released no details to retailers prior to an announcement, or if they did, they had an NDA to prevent that information leaking out to the public.

    One person at work, (who seems to be desperate to know when the new iPods will be out), contacted our head offices to speak to the people in charge of buying in new products and the quantities. She was assured our branch would have "new iPods" by next Saturday.

    1. If this is true, it fits in with the Tuesday announcement
    2. They may have been telling her about new stocks, (unlikely since we haven't been having stock issues of late)
    3. Our buyers have given us information before that has never materialised
    4. It's pretty obvious to most, especially those that visit rumour sites like me, that after one year, new models are on their way, and the special event on Tuesday will see them announced
    5. She is new and doesn't understand how the company works. If we were to get them in by Saturday 16th, they would have to arrive at our national warehouse around the 12th or 14th at the absolute latest. That would mean going by other shipping beforehand, the latest they could leave China would be perhaps Monday.

    Since no other information like this has come forward, I remain sceptical we will get them in by then, but we got the nanos after 7 days last year, so it is possible. Four days is unlikely though, so they would have to ship them before they are announced. This would come back to others leaking information about boxes shipping and I haven't heard much along those lines yet. I again say though I remain fully confident in them being announced on Tuesday, just sceptical of the information that was given. If it was genuine, I think Apple needs to remind all of their NDAs.

    We shall see.

    clip art book stack. To use any of the clipart
  • To use any of the clipart

  • JAT
    Apr 29, 11:12 AM
    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)
    IT weenies in the early 90s created the Windows dominatino. M$ simply took advantage of those people's selfish ways and cheapness. M$ did that really well.
    x-box and gaming are a huge money maker. millions of people pay $50 a year for x-box live
    Xbox took years to come to even a little profit. Most of the profits went to 3rd party developers, not helping M$'s bottom line. So did the PS3. Nintendo, OTOH, had profits immediately. From a business standpoint, they all worked, but Nintendo's method would be my first choice.

    clip art book stack. Book Stack
  • Book Stack

  • mac yahh!!!
    Sep 1, 09:12 AM
    Invites are suppose to go out today or Monday.

    It is definately iTunes related. It is suppose to be adding movies to iTunes.
    apperently though there going to be a bit expensive when compared to the tv shows "supposedly"- http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/itunes-movie-store-details-emerge-1499-per-new-movie-198140.php

    clip art book stack. Book Stack PowerPoint Clip Art
  • Book Stack PowerPoint Clip Art

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Sep 26, 04:41 PM
    Wrong. Cingular is rolling out 3.5G (HSDPA), and although they only have one phone that currently supports it (the LG CU500, http://onlinestorez.cingular.com/cell-phone-service/cell-phones/cell-phones.jsp?RFlow=A&source=INC230056&zip=10010&q_deviceId=cdsku9870167&WT.svl=dtl), reviewers have been wowed by the download speeds and smooth streaming video performance (download speeds are 1.8 Mbps).

    All the networks are pretty good when you're the only one using it. As you mentioned, there's only one phone that can even use it now and the reviewers got access probably before most of those were even sold. We'll see how things are 2 years from now. Maybe it'll be great.

    clip art book stack. clip art book stack.
  • clip art book stack.

  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 03:24 PM
    what do you mean my windows is close not to upgrade??

    and also, is there any chance that i might be succeeding in returning it... or even getting a refund??? i mean i took the vinyl cover off and just totally used it... can i return it right back to the apple store??

    I meant return window..its just one day. Im not sure about the return but just give it a shot. If they ask, tell them you'd like to buy the new version. Be polite but firm as much as possible and you should be fine. Worst case scenario is they say no BUT you won't feel bad because you're current iPod is definately not out of date from what i see today

    clip art book stack. stock photo : Isolated ook
  • stock photo : Isolated ook

  • robeddie
    Apr 25, 02:17 PM
    YESSSS after 3 years of waiting!

    It's been 2 years 6 months. The aluminum design prior to that lasted 5 years 10 months (with only a minor thinning when it became the macpro).

    Since when did two and a half years become a long time to keep a particular design? And how did some of us get so impatient in our consumer-based lives?

    clip art book stack. clip art book stack. christmas
  • clip art book stack. christmas

  • GregA
    Sep 15, 08:33 PM
    I believe this is because of the pricing. Europe is much cheaper when it comes to price-per-minute.
    Also in the US and Canada, you pay to receive a phone call. Not so in Europe, or Australia... if you only answer calls it costs you nothing.

    Many people here buy a cheap phone on a cheap plan and say "It's for others to contact me, and for emergencies". Of course in reality someone pays to call them, and when they make their occassional call it costs a lot... still, the concept removes the barrier to people buying a phone.

    The main thing I've noticed travelling is there's far more young people with cell phones here than in the US. btw... Australia has more active cellphones than people now.

    clip art book stack. Free Text Books Clipart
  • Free Text Books Clipart

  • johnnymg
    Apr 30, 02:24 PM
    yes, new imac's will come, but sadly the will probably come without:

    1- Matte screen option
    2- USB 3
    3- Blu-Ray

    apple will just give consumers part of the options they want.

    "You'll get NOTHING and like it" ............ Rodney Dangerfield

    clip art book stack. of overloeaded ooks stack
  • of overloeaded ooks stack

  • Redline13
    Nov 13, 03:11 PM
    Obviously the images are copyrighted by Apple, and those images they don't want people using. Ok, well, that is their rights, they designed them and copyrighted them. Either they have to license those images from Apple (which I doubt Apple would do) or make their own. Just like every other copyright, you don't have the right to breech. If Apple doesn't defend their copyright, then they can lose it, so they HAVE to fight for it.

    I don't think you understand the specifics of the situation. Go back and read it again.

    clip art book stack. Books clip art. Preview
  • Books clip art. Preview

  • samiwas
    Apr 25, 07:48 AM
    This whole story seems to be written to get a rise out of people, because if it's real...wow.

    Here's the way I see Dmac: I'm 16, and I'm invincible. I'm awesome and no one will tell me what to do, because I'm the son of some high-falootin' senior partner at some law firm in Michigan. My mom has sued people for damage she herself has admittedly caused and won, because she's a sack of **** just like I am! She will lie to further herself, and so will I. Other people better get out of my way because I'm such a badass.

    Notice the original OP, it's basically phrased like this: Someone did something I didn't like, and they shouldn't do that. But when I do it do them, it's OK. No one should ever do anything to me, but I can do it to them all I want.

    Yeah, Dmac...you're a loser. The numerous posts in this thread have shown it. You are conceited, arrogant, and have no sense that you are ever wrong...just what YOU think YOU want to do. Your parents have reinforced that thought by probably spoiling you and suing anyone who gets in your way of being awesome.

    "I'm 16 and I'm an awesome driver" is BS. THIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-6UCv4etyk) is what I think of when I think of awesome 16-year-old drivers flying down an interstate thinking they own the road. And the driver of this car was a teen.

    And as someone said above...yes, this totally defines my stereotype of BMW drivers. Seriously "I shouldn't HAVE to obey the speed limit because I drive a BMW"...ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I live in Atlanta, and if you go under 75 on the interstates here, you will get passed left and right. So I drive 80 normally. So don't act like I don't understand fast driving or that I don't go over the limit. That's not the point here, pal. You're determined and parental-backed-up arrogance in the point.

    EDIT: I wrote this reply before reading the last two pages of this thread. I am now convinced that Dmac is a troll. Past posts of "My mommy got a parking ticking and I want to know if my poor mommy will be able to get out of it" while current posts of "My power-attorney mother will sue the pants off of anyone who gets in her way".

    Looking for a new car and can't afford much (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=709933&highlight=rich)..in which he said "And you'd be surprised by what some of the kids at my school drive. Some of them get brand new BMWs and Mercedes for their 16th birthday, it's disgusting. There's a girl that got a fully loaded Mercedes SLK-350 for her birthday last week. It's a $65,000 car. I wanted to vomit, when I found out."

    I can say from first hand experience, driving with a parent isn't much fun. You're just missing out on loads of hypocrisy spewing from your parents' mouths.

    clip art book stack. clip art book stack.
  • clip art book stack.

  • YEMandy
    Sep 12, 03:26 PM
    Well Folks, you all seem to be concerned about if your iPod 5G is outdated..
    ever thought about that?
    If I got Steve right, no iPod that was sold prior to this very day will be able to play videos from the iTMS sold from this day on - not if Apple hasn't been lying VERY much about the H.264 decoding capabilities of the "old" iPod 5G.

    I'd love to be corrected, though...

    You're wrong. Older 5g iPods can play the new tv shows and movies from the iTunes store. Lets not get ridiculous here.

    clip art book stack. #39;Bookstack Boy#39; clip art GIF
  • #39;Bookstack Boy#39; clip art GIF

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    Would you prefer us to go back to the PowerBook G5 rumors instead? :p ;) :D


    Didn't you hear! The new Apple phone is powered by the newly designed low-power embedded G5 chip.

    G5 power phones next Tuesday! Woo Hoo!:D :D :D :eek: :confused:

    clip art book stack. Old Book clip art
  • Old Book clip art

  • winty03
    Mar 22, 01:15 PM
    Come on refresh, just the news I wanted to hear!

    clip art book stack. a stack of ooksquot; clip art
  • a stack of ooksquot; clip art

  • fixyourthinking
    Sep 26, 07:59 AM
    I still think Apple will go MVNO [Mobile Virtual Network Operator] and sell it exclusively though Apple Stores and "Stores Within A Store" (CompUSA, Circuit City, Best Buy, Fry's, Microcenter) - it will most likely be LEASED time from Cingular.

    For those wanting it on another service like TMobile or SunCom in the US ... it's almost a certainty that someone will come up with a way to unlock it within a few weeks of release. (maybe even a few days)

    clip art book stack. Stack of Books
  • Stack of Books

  • ChrisA
    Apr 4, 12:18 PM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    If it were only robbery you are correct. In fact the guard would be in jail now. But these guys shot at a guard. When you do that the crime changes from robbery to attempted murder. It is also a really stupid move because I'd bet a bunch any armed guard spends some time at the shooting range. Many of them are off duty cops or ex-military police or have gotten training some place.

    clip art book stack. #39;Bookstack Boy#39; clip art JPEG
  • #39;Bookstack Boy#39; clip art JPEG

  • antster94
    Apr 4, 11:56 AM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    clip art book stack. clip art book stack.
  • clip art book stack.

  • syklee26
    Sep 13, 09:36 PM
    How do you figure this is an awesome design? This is a brainless design! Designing the nano in the first place might have been awesome. But making a nano a phone is hardly a leap of design genius!

    And you mentioned chocolate and awesome design in the same sentence!!!:confused: :confused: :confused:

    whether you like it or not, chocolate phone is one of the hottest phone in KOREA, the cell phone dynasty. and you have to note that chocolate in Korea and the chocolate in US sport two different designs.

    and about that iChat Mobile....that phone is very practical but it might be way too big. and if they shrink the size, the keypad might be too small.

    whether that rumor is true or not, i do think that the mock design by macrumors is the best way to incorporate both iPod functions and phone functions

    Sep 19, 01:39 PM
    During the meanwhilst, any news from Amazon Unbox ?

    How well did they do?

    Because it's easy to throw numbers at us, but withouth any comparison, it doesn't really say that much (although it's probably very good)

    Sep 2, 04:55 PM

    You seem to know your facts. I'd like to get your opinion:

    When do you think C2D will be in MBPs? On the 5th? 12th?

    I too hope there is an user removable HD.

    What are the odds that they will give us a 12'' option?

    I am asking all this becasue I would like a 12'', removable HD, C2D MBP before the free iPod offer expires. A 15'' would be fine too.

    Apr 28, 04:23 PM
    Another nickel in the bank.
    Image (http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/11/9/129023086802465617.jpg)

    You do realize that this image could end up biting Apple in the butt? In 3 years time the iPad will be where the iPhone is now: Loosing some (not all) of its marketshare to the knockoffs.

    Unless Apple has a new iToy (I.e not an MP3 player, phone or tablet) ready for say 3-4 years from now, they wont get any bigger than they now are.

    Apr 19, 07:03 AM
    I think this may be one of those stories where the media make it sound much bigger than it is. A load of lawyers will make a ton of money and the two companies will come to some sort of licensing agreement or Apple will get a discount on some of the parts they buy.

    Or this will drag out for years and be eventually settled/judged when it is completely irrelevant. Actually, this is the most likely outcome, since all civil lawsuits over IP in the states last for years.

    We'll never quite know what happened nor do I believe anyone will dig deep enough so we actually know Apple's claims in all of this.

    Sep 9, 01:18 PM
    Well if it gives you 64 bit memory addressing then it certainly is a newer chip

    64bit addressing arrives with the new cpu. so the point is that napa64 isn't really new, it just uses merom instead of yonah.